Monday, May 12, 2008

Well...While I am visiting my in-laws I will update my blog since I still don't have my computer. I had a wonderful Mother's Day!! We went down to my family's for the weekend. We had a wonderful time!!!! We came back yesterday and all the way home Rachelle threw up. She was pretty sick all night and ran a fever. I didn't have any school today...I was TOO EXHAUSTED!!! Now I just hope it doesn't run through the family..kid by kid. So I had a good Mother's Day despite the ending.
It was not Rachelle's weekend. Saturday I left the kids with Russ and went with my sister-in-laws shopping up by Indy. Then my cell rings. It was Russ. "I think Rachelle just broke her arm," he said. He went to Walmart with her and was pushing the basket with one hand and holding her hand with his other hand. She picked up both feet suddenly and just dropped towards the ground with all her bodyweight. As she dropped she twisted her body. Well...short story....took her to prompt med and thankfully she just dislocated her elbow. Poor thing, she was in a lot of pain. She is fine now except for the flu. I do thank the Lord she didn't break her arm. Mom's Day was very good!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hi to everybody:
I am typing from Gretchen's computer is currently being worked on by Steven Mayle. (Bless his heart!!)I hope I didn't bug him too much about my computer's troubles but he sure is a help. My PC needed help BAD!!!!! So this is why my blog is silent right now. Bye till later!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

This is my family two years ago. Like Tanj, I too have my own personal mom!
I got this hutch at our church school's auction!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


I don't know about other stay-at-home moms out there but I think Monday is the hardest day of the week!!! It is a challenge to homeschool without the added load of housework and two kids running around. Lately the kid's attention span has been very short---I have really had to be on them to concentrate the past two weeks. We are on the "home stretch"---I am actually decreasing their work load so their work is spread out-otherwise they would be done in a week or two! I will be very thankful when the last day is over. I am proud of my kids--they are doing well. They have had areas of difficulty like any other kid. I realize there are alot of people out there that scoff at homeschooling and make fun of it but I guess they don't hear who wins NATIONAL spelling bees and various other NATIONAL rewards!!!! Anyway, God has really helped me. I couldn't do it without Him.
I am so glad that warm weather has arrived!! My family LOVES the outdoors---we spend as much time outside as we can. We dislike living in town but we have two neat parks close by. Heritage Park has mountain bike trails that we love to bike on! My kids are troopers--you wouldn't believe the trails they rode their bikes on last summer!! Now that I have a blog I will have to post pics throughout the summer.
I need to attend to the housework now that my kids are almost done with their work. So long!

Friday, March 28, 2008

My two girls

My Family

Here is my family


Snow again! I know it is officially spring but last night/this morning was truly a winter wonderland picture!! It was beautiful outside. I told Russ we had better enjoy the snow while it is here. He replied, " July people will be complaining about the heat and wishing for cooler weather!"(Us included, I'm sure!) But spring IS DEFINATELY here......look how fast the snow melts now.
It has been a slow, rather full, week around here. I am glad it is Friday! Russ is always thankful for the weekend's appearance as well. I can't imagine working in a factory week after week, but then he can't imagine homeschooling weeks on end, either!! I must admit I look forward to the end of May when school will be over.
Well, I'd better get off here and tend to the house. I think I will enjoy blogging! Now I just need to add some cute pics of my cute kids! Ta-Ta!